It has felt like a very slow spring. There are a few green things showing their heads in our cold north facing valley, so there might be hope for us yet, if the poultry doesn't polish them off first.
The birds have been out scratching and foraging and our eggs are fantastic! What a difference having greens and bugs makes to the colour and flavour of the yolks.
Mum and I dyed our Easter eggs with natural dyes this year. Lovely. Red onion skin are my favourite, red cabbage and turmeric are good too. The beetroot didn't really give good colour.
Despite it being a frustrating year for Sugaring, we have managed to make 7 gallons. It is dark and smokey, what was being labeled Grade B Dark Amber, but all the maple syrup labeling is changing this year... I think it will just be Dark Amber now. More next year and we have wonderful plans for a round Sugar House with a reciprocal roof.
Dylan has managed to inoculate more logs with Shitake spawn, build a new tool shed, level the area where our High Tunnel is going (this year fingers crossed!), mill all the wood for the tools shed, haul all the sap across the stream, boil the syrup down, plant a whole new batch of fruit trees, plan this year's crops, teach me how to graft apple scions on to our trees and take on a new job. And that is just a bit of what he has done this April. I am knackered just looking at him.
The birds have been out scratching and foraging and our eggs are fantastic! What a difference having greens and bugs makes to the colour and flavour of the yolks.
Mum and I dyed our Easter eggs with natural dyes this year. Lovely. Red onion skin are my favourite, red cabbage and turmeric are good too. The beetroot didn't really give good colour.
Despite it being a frustrating year for Sugaring, we have managed to make 7 gallons. It is dark and smokey, what was being labeled Grade B Dark Amber, but all the maple syrup labeling is changing this year... I think it will just be Dark Amber now. More next year and we have wonderful plans for a round Sugar House with a reciprocal roof.
Dylan has managed to inoculate more logs with Shitake spawn, build a new tool shed, level the area where our High Tunnel is going (this year fingers crossed!), mill all the wood for the tools shed, haul all the sap across the stream, boil the syrup down, plant a whole new batch of fruit trees, plan this year's crops, teach me how to graft apple scions on to our trees and take on a new job. And that is just a bit of what he has done this April. I am knackered just looking at him.