Bridget's Fire - Women's Circle 2019
The inspiration for the circle is the Saint or Goddess Bridget and her triple path of Craft, Poetry & Healing The circle has continued to grow and evolve through the year. We have focused on the changing of the seasons, who we are in our own natures, and how we can use the elements of nature to help us create magic in our lives. Over the summer we held a few circles outside on the land at Talus Wood Farm. We had an amazing Day of the Dead ceremony with many ladies crowded into a tiny space to create an ofrenda of flowers and food for our ancestors.
For the winter we are back upstairs above the Farm Store at Cricket Creek.
Last Saturdays of the Month:
Jan 26, Feb 23, Mar 30
suggested donation $20-25
Last Saturdays of the Month:
Jan 26, Feb 23, Mar 30
suggested donation $20-25
Two new events for 2018 to be hosted at Cricket Creek Farm, South Williamstown, MA
Our indoor space is very limited so we are partnering with a nearby farm, Cricket Creek, that has much more room indoors. The women circle will be held on the last Friday evenings of the month and then a Saturday Morning Parent & Child playgroup will be held every week. Both events will be facilitated by WindRose Morris-Keating
Berkshire Mountains Faerie Festival
Bowe Field, Adams, MA
June 25th 2016
We will be having a stall for selling our woodland wares. Look out for the Faery Apothecary & Curiousity Shop. Faerie Healings, Storytelling, puppets, felted creatures, healing salves, flower bouquets and more. Find out more check out the facebook page
What a fabulous day! Thank you to all the organizers in Adams.
Vision Quest
September 12th- 19th 2015
Led by Rose Khalsa
The demands of daily life give us no time to pause, reflect and listen to the voice of our hearts. The Vision Quest is a nature-based rite of passage that has been used in some form since the dawn of man in the search for inspiration. To open the soul to the universal language of nature, our Quest relies on ancient traditions updated to fit our modern world. This vision quest is based on the simple premise that prayer and spiritual connection to nature can open our hearts and reveal answers to the deepest mysteries of life.
Removed from the distractions of modern daily life, guided by your own true nature, and the wild nature around you, dive into the still waters of your soul and find your authentic voice, the one that longs to be heard.
The demands of daily life give us no time to pause, reflect and listen to the voice of our hearts. The Vision Quest is a nature-based rite of passage that has been used in some form since the dawn of man in the search for inspiration. To open the soul to the universal language of nature, our Quest relies on ancient traditions updated to fit our modern world. This vision quest is based on the simple premise that prayer and spiritual connection to nature can open our hearts and reveal answers to the deepest mysteries of life.
Removed from the distractions of modern daily life, guided by your own true nature, and the wild nature around you, dive into the still waters of your soul and find your authentic voice, the one that longs to be heard.
Wild Oats Co-op farm tour
explore the sustainable harvest of ramps
May 8th 2015
Come and have a wander in our ramp beds, enjoy a tasty treat from the Chef at Wild Oats Co-op Market in Williamstown, MA. After a long hard winter join us for a refreshing taste of spring foraging.